Saturday, August 19, 2006

Well thats it for today folks!

ok not quite

there is something else

I just can't think of it right now cos I is tired

pretty pointless huh?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

This is about MORONS if you don't know or aren't sure what a moron is then this is not for you as all morons pretty much know it, so think about it, by all means but if after a short time you start thinking you are not a moron, you probably aren't so it is time to stop reading this and start doing something else (after a while if you do that you will start to realise how moronic you are being, how long this takes depends on two things - 1. how moronic you have become without perhaps realising it before; how moronic the things you are doing really are; 3. how much of a moron you started out being a long time ago). Then you will perhaps get an inkling that really you are either a moron or are just acting like one, maybe just some of the time, even so you are realising that you are something of a moron some of the time - at least. But I'm not saying that is good or bad - because if you are a moron - that is bad but if you are realising it - that is good because then you can start doing somethings to try to stop being a moron, otherwise you won't as you have not realised you are a moron yet. So really, being a moron is good because then you can realise what a moron you are - if you are one that is and I'm not saying you are particularly you realise so don't go getting upset with me. OK?